Unfair competition

In order to put an end to any unfair activities and to bring legal action, the Indicia Group collects the evidence necessary to establish fault, detriment and prove the causal link.

Unfair competition has its basis in Articles 1382 and 1383 of the Civil Code. Case law sanctions unfair practices by having recourse to the concept of “business disruption”, thereby creating a simple presumption of detriment once the behaviour has been proven.

In order to obtain redress, it is essential to provide solid evidence that can convince the judges of the reality of the fault and the detriment suffered.

We establish and provide proof of the facts
on which the outcome of your case depends.

Examples of investigations

Client case study

The Indicia Group was recently appointed by the manager of a foreign company to prove the illegal use of their registered trademark by a consortium of financial, production and distribution companies throughout Europe. The evidence gathered showed that the trademark had been used unlawfully, as well as other frauds inherent in the manufacture and distribution processes.