The private investigator: a significant asset for your legal proceedings

Whether a individual or a professional, a citizen has limited options when it comes to obtaining information about third parties. The official police or gendarmerie services are of no help when it comes to finding a missing debtor, checking the good character of a future colleague or partner, proving unfair competition, or collecting and analysing strategic information necessary to a company’s development.

The only legal option for obtaining help, assistance and support is to use the services of a specialist in private investigation.
A professional in investigation and the gathering of evidence, the detective-private research agent is the “liberal profession which, for a person, consists of gathering, without stating the capacity in which he is working or revealing the purpose of his work, information or intelligence for third parties, with a view to defending their interests“. Art 20, law 2003-239.

Private research agents have the know-how and technical skills to gather, in a completely legal manner, the evidence needed to defend your interests. As qualified professionals they also have the legal knowledge necessary to prepare case reports or statements that are admissible in court.

In this context, the use of a detective can often prove decisive. Indeed, whatever the area involved (civil, criminal or commercial) in order to file a complaint, pursue legal proceedings or obtain redress for losses incurred, it is essential to provide solid evidence that can convince the judges of the reality of the fault and the detriment suffered.

The private investigator route is one of the very few legal options available for gathering complete and reliable information or admissible evidence. It therefore maximises your chances of winning through the production of a detailed and comprehensive investigation report recognised by the courts as evidence (ruling by the CAEN Court of Appeal, Civil Chamber, 2002-04-04, no. 01/01952). Finally, it enables you to make significant savings on lawyers’ fees by very quickly providing solid evidence that can speed up the judicial process.

NB: Settled case law since 1962 confirms the admissibility of reports by a private detective in court, in the same way as any other form of evidence (ruling by the Court of Cassation of 7 November 1962, the “Turin” ruling).

The Indicia Group has effective means at its disposal for quickly and discreetly gathering the evidence that you need. Depending on your needs, our investigations can be finalised by a report from a huissier demonstrating in an irrefutable way the accuracy of your arguments.

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